
Serac opens an office in United Arab Emirates to serve its Middle East customers

Serac Middle-East

Serac Middle-East

Serac opens an office in United Arab Emirates to serve its Middle East customers

In order to continuously improve the quality of service to its Customers, Serac is pleased to announce the opening of its new offices in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Dedicated to supporting our customer-partners, this new structure responds to the desire to constantly improve the Serac Customer experience. ?It marks the starting point of a new partnership in the Middle East, based on the triptych of proximity – responsiveness – flexibility. Indeed, this new subsidiary, based in a strategic location, will now be an entry point into Serac for all subject Customer Service related. This initiative is the best way to bring Serac’s know-how and expertise as close as possible to its customers and to provide services that are as available as efficient.

Supervising more than 170 machines throughout the Middle-East region, Serac’s services are dedicated to helping achieve the highest production objectives, both in quantity and quality. In this respect, Serac on-site teams are able to advise on recommended maintenance cycles, improvements of existing machines, staff training or the optimization of resource management.


Contact : Nicolas Belin
Tel. :?+971 6?525 1881
Email :?nibelin@serac.fr


Staying close to our customers – Serac Worldwide?


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