
How does Serac help Greenfields dairy company to meet its new challenges?

Greenfields is the largest dairy company in Southeast Asia. The company is based in Malang, Indonesia. Greenfields is a popular milk brand in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Brunei, and the Philippines.

“ With Serac, we have a guarantee that our production will have no issue in recontamination and have a longer shelf life which is very important in Indonesia?as we need to distribute to many cities, in many different islands “

Darmanto Setyawan - Factory Director - Greenfields Indonesia


Darmanto Setyawan, Factory Director – Greenfields Indonesia


Why is Greenfields so successful in Indonesia?

“Our brand is very successful in Indonesia. We started with our dairy farm.?We continue to keep our promise that our milk comes from our very own dairy farm?so we can control the quality from A to Z.? ?We actually have more than 20 years of experience in dairy farming, to produce good quality milk and? we manage to keep our good quality for many years.??We also launched other products which use our raw material coming from our dairy farm.?We started with stirred yoghurt and this year we are also going with drinking yogurt.”


What would be the main challenges of this industrial project?

“We are preparing our factory in advance,?to be able to receive all the milk produced in our dairy farms.?So we need to choose good equipment that is able to suit with?our high productivity and efficiency. Also important, how to recruit the manpower and train them on how to run the equipment.”


How does Serac help you meet these challenges?

“We have a good cooperation with Serac as they have a very good experience in the dairy industry.??They support us well in terms of giving solutions,?offering good quality equipment to produce good quality products.??Serac machines allow our products to have a longer shelf life?with the design of the machine and sterilization of packaging material.”


What are the strong points of Serac machines in your process?

“We have two cup fillers from Serac?and one bottle filler (blow-fill-cap monoblock ).?We chose Serac as they have a very strong point in filling accuracy.?It is very important for us to minimise production losses.?The other thing about Serac is that they’re very experienced in filling dairy products.?So we have a guarantee that our production will have no issue in recontamination,?have a longer shelf life which is very important in Indonesia?as we need to distribute to many cities, in many different islands.”


Was blowing your own bottles an important point for you and why?

“We had a discussion with Serac on how to have a longer shelf life for our products?and it was to blow our own bottles using the COMBOX machine.?It is very important to us to maintain the cleanliness of the equipment?but without using many chemicals in sterilisation?as it could have impact on the cost of production and as well environment.??So we chose the COMBOX for these reasons.??Another benefit is that we can store more preform rather than bottles.”


What are the key points of Serac’s filling expertise ?

We have a very good cooperation and commitment with Serac.?Also with a personal approach,?we have a good relationship between our team and theirs.?So we have a partnership together?to have good production of dairy products.


What Serac could do more, to achieve your professional goals?

“We need to grow together in developing skills of the operators?in order to achieve a higher capacity of production?As well to continue the reliability of the machine?and to minimise the cost of production in term of efficiency, ernergy usage.?so we have an efficient production.”




Machines installed at Greenfields Indonesia


Packaged Products

Yogurts and Yogurt drinks




About Greenfields

Greenfields is the dairy company based in Malang, Indonesia and the largest dairy company in Southeast Asia. Greenfields has 2 farms and a factory at hillside of Mount Kawi in Malang Regency and Blitar Regency. The company was founded on March 14, 1997. Greenfields is a popular milk brand in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Brunei, and the Philippines. (Source: Wikipedia)


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