
Coronavirus & US - Update

Our company is constantly organizing itself to ensure the best possible continuity of activities within our various units around the world. Here is the situation as of March 31 for our 5 plants.

“ The most important thing for me is, and will continue to be, to safeguard everyone’s health. “


March 31, 2020

Our company is constantly organizing itself to ensure the best possible continuity of activities within our various units around the world. Here is the situation as of March 31 for our 5 plants:

In France, we have a presence limited to a few people in our production sites (Serac & Nova). Our employees in the engineering department and our project managers, work from home to move our clients’ projects forward..? Our customer service technicians operate in France only, with priority given to the food and healthcare activities that are strategic and vital in this period of pandemic.

In the United States, there are a few employees in our plant and we are trying to keep this number to a minimum. We have a few customer service technicians in the field, but the majority of them assist our customers remotely. Most of our office employees work from home.

In Malaysia,?despite the very strict containment conditions, our teams provide technical support to our customers and monitor projects through teleworking.

In Brazil, many departments are teleworking (Management, Sales, Customer Service, Finance, Project Managers, Planning and Purchasing). Our technicians are ready to provide remote assistance in case of emergency.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to work in this way and we will adapt whenever necessary to the health crisis we are going through.


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