
There are different approaches for industry 4.0

If you look at the market, many companies try to create the Buzz with virtuality, or augmented reality. But, honestly speaking, if you come back to the signification of industry 4.0, it is mainly connected machines.

Video Interview

“ We have to converge the two projects, the new mechanical part and the new automation part. At the end we will have a very interesting machine for tomorrow’s market. “

There are different approaches for industry 4.0. If you look at the market, many companies try to create the Buzz with virtuality, or augmented reality. But, honestly speaking, if you come back to the signification of industry 4.0, it is mainly connected machines. So it is important to understand why.

This is for sure a new technology, linked to the internet, linked to all the different possibilities we have today to manage the data, and this is the most important.

After that, if you ask to the customer ‘what is your need??’, the need of the customer is to increase the productivity. So, how to do it?? It is simple, it is how to predict the different problems or issues that we can have on the machine, and if we have some, how to solve them and how to learn about them.

The FCS X is the new automation architecture. It is not only automation; it is really something well prepared for industry 4.0 ; it really decentralizes the intelligence of the machine.

With the new FCS X automation architecture, we have developed a new HMI with the support of Orange and also our customers. When you see a line on the customer’s’ site, we have different machines from different suppliers, and the HMI is always different. But one interface that everybody knows is the interface from your smartphone and also a website that everybody knows. So it is also important to have this kind of approach, a web approach.

The second topic is the new Millesime, for sure. So it is more the mechanical part, but it is really linked to FCS X. We have to converge the two projects, the new mechanical part and the new automation part. At the end we will have a very interesting machine for tomorrow’s market.


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